
Podcast episodes

I am the host of the Inspired Educator, the TWU School of Education podcast. The podcast focuses on educators sharing research and insights to improve the educational experience.

Episode 13 Kimberly Franklin on Virtue Pathways in education

On today’s episode, I present a conversation with Dr. Kimberly Franklin, the former Dean of Education at Trinity Western University. We discuss the School of Education’s virtue pathways that aims to help student teachers develop reflective discernment. These pathways have spiritual origins, foster character virtues, and are aligned with the professionals standards.

Episode 12 Nina Pak Lui in conversation with preservice teacher Noelle Kelbert

On today’s episode, we present a conversation between Professor Nina Pak Lui and her student, Noelle Kelbert. Their conversation centers on significant moments of learning for transformational thinking. In particular, they discuss overall personal growth as a preservice teacher. This episode is part of a SSHRC Explore Grant, about preservice teachers and podcasts.


Episode 11 Nina Pak Lui in conversation with preservice teachers Michelle, Tasha, and Caroline

On today’s episode, we present a conversation between Professor Nina Pak Lui and three preservice teachers, Michelle Bedry, Tasha DeVries, and Caroline Profitt. heir conversation centers on reflecting on the BC professional standards, communicating their beliefs about assessment and evaluation, and articulating any ethical, moral, or spiritual implications of their assessment practices. This episode is part of a SSHRC Explore Grant, about preservice teachers and podcasts.

Episode 10 Nina Pak Lui in conversation with preservice teachers Rebecca and Maria

On today’s episode, we present a conversation between Professor Nina Pak Lui and two of her students, Rebecca Tazumi and Maria Giesbrecht. Their conversation centers around understanding curriculum philosophies and ideologies. Also, they discuss how Understanding by Design (UbD) can help with curricular and pedagogical planning.

Episode 9 Ken Badley on Redeeming Teaching

On today’s episode, I present a conversation with Dr. Ken Badley, an author and Professor of education. We discuss his many books and how they converge around redeeming teaching and learning. This podcast was recorded right before Dr. Badley gave his public lecture at Trinity Western University on Redeeming Teaching.

Episode 8 Nina Pak Lui in conversation with Maria Dykstra, Emma Drieger, and Sean Hui

On today’s episode, we present a conversation between Professor Nina Pak Lui and three of her students – Maria Dykstra, Emma Driedger, and Sean Hui. These students are 4th year preservice teachers and we believe their lived experience within our teacher education program is important and must be shared. Their conversation centers on academic agency, and pedagogical inquiry, especially relating to their developing understanding of assessment. 

Episode 7 Matthew Etherington on Indigenous (and Indigenizing) education

On this episode, I am speaking to Dr. Matthew Etherington. Matthew is professor of education at Trinity Western University where he is also the director of the Institute of Indigenous Issues and Perspectives (IIIP). In our conversation, we discuss indigenous education and indigenizing education. Matthew offers a worldview approach to help us understand this important topic. 

Episode 6 Teaching during COVID-19

On today’s episode, I’m sharing conversations that I had with 3 educators from Western Canada who taught during the height of COVID-19 before the summer break in 2020. 

Episode 5 Yu-Ling Lee on closing schools

In light of COVID-19, the Inspired Educator podcast will focus on the realities of teaching and learning in this new context. For this episode, I wanted to share a journal article from Health Affairs, a peer-reviewed healthcare journal described by the Washington Post as the bible of health policy. The article is titled, Closing the schools – lessons from the 1918-19 US Influenza Pandemic published in 2009. I thought this article is quite helpful as it paints a picture of how different cities and their schools were wrestling with the different interventions necessary to help mitigate the influenza pandemic over 100 years ago.

Episode 4 Allyson Jule on gender and education

On today’s episode, I am speaking to Allyson Jule. Allyson is Dean, professor of education, and one of the founding directors of the Gender Studies institute at Trinity Western University. In our conversation, we discuss the complexities of gender and education. 

Episode 3 Lara Ragpot about Math Education for Early Learners

On today’s episode, I am speaking to Lara Ragpot. Lara is an associate professor with expertise in childhood development and special education. In our conversation, we discuss math education, specifically math education for early learners. Lara describes how young children develop an understanding of math, especially as it ties to language and spatial awareness. She has many great teaching and learning suggestions, based on her research, to help children grow in their mathematical understanding.

Episode 2 Nina Lui about Assessment

In this episode, Professor Nina Lui discuss the area of assessment. Nina brings a refreshing voice and critique about traditional assessment methods, and instead, she describes how we can be human in our assessment practices.

Episode 1 Introduction

For this first episode, I wanted to share the purpose and scope of the podcast. The Inspired Educator podcast is all about generating conversations concerning education. If you are interested in educational things, educational theories, educational research, and educational praxis, then this podcast is for you